Flat for Education Help > Integrations > Authorize Flat in Microsoft 365

Authorize Flat in Microsoft 365

Adding a Microsoft Teams class on Flat for Education will automatically provision or update your students' accounts into your private Flat for Education website, then enroll them in your Flat class. On this page, you'll discover how to enable this feature for your Microsoft 365 domain.

To synchronize one or multiple Teams classes, Flat for Education needs some authorizations that only an admin can grant. As an admin, you can use the following link to give consent to use Flat for Education.

From the Microsoft Azure Console

If someone from your school has already signed in with their Microsoft Account, you will have the app listed in your Microsoft Azure Console, under "Enterprise applications". Open this page, then go to Security > Permissions. You will see the existing granted authorizations and be able to grant additional permissions to use Flat with Teams. Click on "Grant admin consent" to authorize Flat for Education.

Azure Admin console

Permissions details

If you're wondering why we request these permissions, here is a detailed list of what is requested and why:

  • User.ReadBasic.All: We use this to display the students' pictures and names on the Teacher's dashboard before the students sign in.
  • EduRoster.ReadBasic (delegated) and EduRoster.Read.All (application) plus Member.Read.Hidden: We use this permission to fetch the classes list and memberships and create/update corresponding accounts on Flat for Education.
  • EduAssignments.ReadWrite (delegated) and EduAssignments.ReadWrite.All (application): This reads and writes users' view of class assignments and their grades. We will use this permission to create Flat for Education assignments in the future for the Teams classes.

We only access and read information from the chosen classes when you setup your Flat for Education account. Once Flat has been authorized, teachers will only be able to synchronize their own classes. We will never access information we do not need and/or to which you did not consent.

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