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Create a worksheet

There are various kinds of activities and assignments you can create in Flat for Education. Use our auto-graded music theory worksheets for homework practice or knowledge assessment. You only need to pick a subject, choose some settings, and the platform will automatically generate exercises for you to assess your students' knowledge of basic music theory. Our product will also automatically grade their work and push grades to Google Classroom or your LMS (MusicFirst, Canvas, Schoology, Moodle, etc.)

Creating a worksheet

You can create a worksheet assignment directly through the Resource Library. Go to the Resource Library and click on +New assignment.

Create a worksheet

Alternatively, you can create an assignment directly from a class. Click on +Add Assignment. Please note that the assignments created on the class page directly will only be saved to the Resource Library once they are published, and not if they are in draft state.

Main assignment settings

You can start by adding the main settings to your new assignment, especially the title of the assignment. As with the composition assignments, you can set a due date. If you want to prepare your worksheet in advance and have it released on a certain date, you can set the publication date.

Add a title, due date and publication date

Extra settings

At the bottom of this assignment creation page, you have access to extra settings:

  • Assigned students: If you only want to send the worksheet to your students using treble clef, select them in the "Assigned Students" field.
  • Shuffle: If you want each student to receive the exercises in a different order, you can tick the "Shuffle" option.
  • Release grade: You can decide if you want your students to see their results upon completion, or only after you have reviewed their work.

Settings Worksheets

Choose and create the exercises

We have added several types of exercises:

Pitch recognition: The student must give the pitch of the given note. You can use different notations for the pitch: letters, solfege in fixed or movable Do.

Pitch construction: The student must place the note on the staff and select the right accidental to match the given pitch.

Key recognition: The student is given a mode and a key signature. They must then find the right tonic.

Key construction: The student must select the right key signature for the given tonic & mode.

Keyboard Pitch Construction: The student will be given a note on the staff and has to find it on the piano keyboard.

Interval recognition: The student must name the given interval.

Interval construction: The student is given an interval and a note. They must then place a second note on the staff to match the given interval.

Scale recognition: The student is given a scale and must say which mode it is.

Scale construction: The student is given a mode and must place accidentals on the scale to match the given mode.

Chord identification: The student is given notes forming a chord and must select the type of the chord.

Chord construction: The student is given a chord type and a root note and must place the other notes to form the chord.

Beat Counting: The student is given a measure and has to write the counting below the notes. This can use several systems such as numbering or Takadimi.

Beats Identification: The student writes the beat count below the given rhythm.

Duration Identification: The student names the duration of the given symbol.

Duration Construction: The student chooses the symbol matching the given duration.

Exercise types

Once you choose the subject, you can establish how many exercises the students will have to solve and the points per exercise.

Exercises & points

Once you are satisfied with your assignment, you can publish it to the Resource Library and assign it to classes as needed.

Reviewing students' work

Just like score assignments on Flat for Education, you can access your students' work as soon as they start working on your assignments. The worksheet exercises are automatically graded, and you have the option to manually release grades after reviewing their work.

Grades are automatically sent to your Google Classroom course or your LMS gradebooks, including MusicFirst, Canvas, Schoology, and Moodle.


You and your students can then click on the exercises to see what the correct answers are:


Remember you can follow your students' progress. Check out our dedicated article to learn more about how to review and give feedback to your students.

Result Analytics

With the latest analytics tab, you can see how your class performs as a whole. You will have access to the average percentage of correct answers for the whole worksheet. Additionally, for each exercise you can know how many students answered correctly and how many have skipped a question. To access this, click on the specific worksheet assignment you are interested in, and go to the "Analytics" tab.

Worksheet Analytics

Video tutorial

For more information on how to use worksheet assignments, watch this video tutorial!

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