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Flat > How to import a file from Noteflight?

How to import a file from Noteflight?

To import your sheet music from Noteflight into Flat, we advise you to use MusicXML. MusicXML is the standard exchange format for sheet music and includes all your notation details.

Convert/Export your Noteflight file to MusicXML

Open your score on Noteflight, then Select Export from the Score toolbar:

Noteflight: Score toolbar > Export

Then choose MusicXML from the list displayed:

Noteflight: MusicXML export

Import your Noteflight MusicXML file on Flat

On Flat, go to My Library, then drag & drop your XML file. You can also click on the Import a score or tab button, or New score or tab and choose Import your creation:

Import a score or tab

Choose your file(s) to import, and they will be directly added to your Flat account.

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