OK! I finally did it! This is a part two for a larger piece I'm doing called Black Bells. It will be at least three parts. There will be a link to part one at the bottom. So I've been working on this score since sometime in December (so you will get some Christmas vibes from it) It was based off of a a section of a failed piano battle between me, telcoris, and andy. It was based of of the section me and Telcoris worked on and (over all) it honestly is my favorite piece that I have ever written. It took a lot of work and dedication and help from my good friend
@yoni. Thanks Yoni for always being supportive of me and everyone else on the discord server! He is truly an inspiration to us all and hella awesome so go listen to his music! (as if you've never heard it LOL) Thanks for listening and have a great day!