This is the complete Spring concerto. Yes, ever 210 measures of it. The entire concerto is around 10 minutes long.
Spring is the first of four concertos written by Antonio Vivaldi, that express the different characteristics of the spring season.
Spring consists of three different movements (Allegro, Largo e pianissimo sempre, and Danza pastorale. Allegro) each with a sonnet accompaniment.
Because the sonnets were originally in Italian, here is a rough translation for each movement:
---Allegro--- Festive Spring has arrived, The birds salute it with their happy song. And the brooks caressed by little Zephyrs, Flow with a sweet murmur. The sky is covered with a black mantle, And thunder, and lightning, announce a storm. When they are silent, the birds Return to sing their lovely song.
---Largo e pianissimo sempre--- And in the meadow, rich with flowers, To the sweet murmur of leaves and plants, The goatherd sleeps, with his faithful dog at his side.
---Danza pastorale. Allegro--- To the festive sound of pastoral bagpipes, Dance nymphs and shepherds, At Spring's brilliant appearance.