Hi everyone! I am sorry I have not published in a while (I was studying for AP) and I would like to say good luck to anyone who still has an exam to take! I have been working on this for a while and I think it is my best one up to date!
I started this about a month ago, the week my spring concert and first spring track meet of the were supposed to be. After being stuck at home for a while, I put together a collection of winter themes from the school year, Winter Concert, Drama Club and Winter Track.
Winter Concert: This section goes through my past winter concert. The past concert, the radio on my alarm clock somehow read my mind and played one of the songs from the concert as I woke up, and unbelievably, the radio in the car played the same song on the way to the concert.
Drama Club: This year’s drama club was different from any play I have ever been in or seen. (There were team auditions and no cast list. I got switched between 3 different roles before the director decided on one) It was a very unusual part of the season for sure. I also never realized how much I like 5/4 time :D.
Winter Track: Not much to say about this part, I just love winter track, especially running in the snow. The 15 second race is supposed to be a 100 meter race, one that is part of spring track, but not winter.
I would like to thank HaiMaiNameisAni, Quantum Joss, DJ Green, Groovy, ProL0dl, Flat.io Earther, and Cook Tim Mashed Potatoes for their listening/feedback/encouragement as well as the rest of the discord.
Wow that was a really long description. If I get a request or two, I will make another one for spring! Hope you all enjoy!