Gwyn, Lord of Cinder; the final boss theme of Dark Souls.
After thousands of years of prosperity for Lordran under the rule of the Lord of Cinder, the Age of Fire was coming to a close due to the dimming of the first flame. In order to kindle this ancient fire, the souls of the lords were to be set alight. Gwyn knew this, yet he did nothing. Perhaps he wasn't powerful enough, after all his source of power was quickly diminishing as the first flame slowly died out. Or perhaps he thought it pointless; he knew the cycle would only repeat itself. Chosen Undead after Chosen Undead, but none of them would be able to permanently restore the glorious luster of Lordran. So Gwyn waited; bided his time until the flame would fade, and Lordran would be plunged into the Age of Darkness. This theme signifies Gwyn's last stand to protect his flame, his valorous yet depressing effort to retain what little he had left. When the last note is played, no matter whether or not the Chosen Undead chooses to rekindle the first flame, Gwyn, the Lord of Cinder, would be dead and his rule would come to a close.