Lots of things to say here,
First of all: Happy New Years!! Hopefully your 2021 is filled with smiles and joy :D
Second of all: 400 followers?? Damn that's like... 400 more followers I wasn't expecting to get :P Thank you guys so much for your support, as cheesy and cliche as it sounds, I appreciate every one of yall <3
Now about the actual song. This is probably my most... experimental?? piece I've written. LOTS of dissonance, which was really fun to work with. Originally there was no story to go with this but after seeing that
@joshua_holmberg posted a story competition, and listening to this over, it kinda sounded like a whole hero's journey arc. So I decided heck why not and wrote a really simple story to it. It's bad. I'm no storywriter, but hey you can't have everything. I will say that while I don't expect to win, if I do I want to forfeit my prize to someone else who needs the publicity more.
Anyways thank you guys again for 400 (500 won't happen.. unless...?), thank you for listening, and have a wonderful day <3