Heyo everyone
This is going to be short and not very sweet. I’m leaving Flat for a very long while for personal reasons. I’ll still be on to hear y’all’s music so you’ll still see me around. I won’t say goodbye because goodbyes are for forever. I’ll be back full time one day. Knowing me, I’ll probably come running back in a week wondering why I ever thought of quitting LOL
Anywho, about the song. I wrote this about two months ago I think? I shared it with
@noah_barrett for feedback—since this was inspired by his work—and he suggested that I add strings. I started on them and just sort of deleted it because I wasn’t happy about where it was going. So now we just have a little piano solo. Thanks for listening :D
Thank you:
@bc_mix_music @noah_barrett @groovy @teamleo And I know I’m forgetting someone. Idk who you are man but thanks lol