Well hello again, I'm changing my desription cus its really old so yeah anyways. So I was bored and re did this and it needed ALOT of tweaking so yeah I did that and yayayyyay. ummmm what else. so its summer I did a deep clean of my room and recycled a lot of old papers that just had sitting around, and I hung paper buytterflys from my ceiling with thread and my cats have already almost broken a leg JUMPING OFF OF MY WINDOWSILLE AND ATTEMPTING TO CATAPULT THEMsELVES AY THE BUTTERFLIES, anyways so I had to make sure their not on my windowsill lol, but yeah, other than that I guess enjoy and also credits are down below but a while ago when I wrote this I did use the piano piece from a composer off of musescore and then made it a whole orchestral piece so the piano part is not mine but the rest is so just making sure everyone knows that the credits for that are all down below and yeah, enjoy (I wrote those credits a while ago)
Also I built this song off of the arrangement by Ryan Zhu on musescore, then added other instrument to make it an orchestral, I also tweaked a lot of stuff, but yeah here's the link https://musescore (the link didn't work but its on musescore)