Hi, I have decided to change my genre of music from Classical (Romantic-era) to contemporary/modern piano. Why? Unfortunately my classical piano pieces have not been getting much publicity or attention compared to the other modern piano solos that are being published. It's sad that I have to change genres, and it does hurt, especially when I have developed my musicianship in composing in the style of the romantic era. OGs would remember how much I have improved over the 1+ years I have been on Flat, notably
@dylan_s who was my first inspiration to continue to improve myself. However, I have to accept and embrace this change I am going to make. This may backfire, as my previous followers have been following me strictly for classical/romantic-era music and this may be a drastic change for them. I do hope you understand, and, this also means that I am unable to finish my 6 Studies and quite possibly not do the piano concerto that I have been planning (and drafting) so far. However, I tell myself that in order to grow, I have to embrace and adapt to what is popular and likely to do better in terms of publicity. If my new pieces still do not help me grow, *then I have no idea what to say*
Bare with me, as I am taking a major shift in composition and my new pieces in this genre may not be as good as I am new to this. Thank you all, for those that have supported me for the longest time ever, and I really, really appreciate your heartwarming support!