Hi All,
Listen to the other movements here!
https://flat.io/score/636bc1d1837e4833c7f5f60a-string-quartet-in-e-minor-allegro II. This one!
https://flat.io/score/6366e0c2d247f2125eed4de6-string-quartet-in-e-minor-scherzo IV.
https://flat.io/score/636568ea6a9dcd3e5c7836e3-string-quartet-in-e-minor-andante First things first, **Please play the MP3 version is sounds way way better than the Flat Audio, thank you!**
This is the second movement to my longest and most favorite project I have ever had. Don't worry! You haven't missed the first movement, I had this one - the second - as well as the third and fourth movement completed but not the first! I really wanted to release this piece though as I felt it is so moving and emotional.
Writing a string quartet has been one of my biggest bucket list goals, and it has also been one of the hardest things for me to do. As a violist and frequent string quartet player, I thought it'd be natural to write a string quartet but this project has been in the works for the better part of three years. Many, many ideas have been scrapped and changed, I truly believe that these four movements will be some of my best work to date. The string quartet was inspired a whole lot by the string quartets of Felix Mendelssohn. This one specifically his Adagio in his Fm quartet. I used a version of the descending line in the cello to my own effect and creativity.
This piece was created about half on flat, then Musescore 4 dropped and I started writing the piece on there. The MS4 strings are gorgeous for a slow piece but this is the only piece to use those strings as most moderate to fast passages with their strings sound horrible. If you want proper sheet music, please let me know as I had to adapt some of the dynamics and articulations for Flat. I will try and include a link in the comments with the correct score PDF.
Thank you to Wyatt,
@flat.io_earther and many others