This is the final product of the piece " The Merry-Go-Round of Life" By Mr. Joe Hisaishi. I will say that this arrangement is for more intermediate/ advanced clarinet players especially the first clarinet part due to there being many jumps, altissimo register (high register above c above the staff) , tricky rhythms, the list goes on. Not to make anybody feel bad about their playing skills but rather to inform them of the inherent difficulties of this piece especially the first clarinet part if you are having troubles with reaching the notes you can either 1) take them down an octave
2) not play
3) Keep trying to get those high altissimo notes
the rhythms at 134-140, Yes those are supposed to sound like that, No it is not a typo of any sort. The reason being is that it adds more character to this piece with making both parts separated and lost to each other to later resolve back into place. Giocoso just means lively/humorous the tempo there is: a dotted crotchet = 95
Giocoso a dotted crotchet=>95
@ the G# back to allegro=> crotchet=>140~150
@the A B A triplet=> 75
@ first key change => back to allegro=>150~160 'til the end
Hope you guys love playing this as much as I will (UbU)