Hello everyone! Yes, the title is correct. This song literally came out of nowhere. I was just peacefully sitting there doing nothing for a few minutes until suddenly 50 measures were done without me realizing that I had actually gotten those ideas. I know it came from me, though. Who else would it be? My favorite part is probably the key change, since the notes get super high after that and it just sounds better than the rest. I don't really have much else to say about this one, except the fact that I may not publish another song for a while(more than 22 days). This is because I am now in a music program that I will compose a song for, which means all my time will be dedicated to the song which I probably won't publish. But I know I'll be back.
Anyways, like if you do, comment if you have one, and enjoy!
(Not me removing literally 99% of all emojis from my username)