Movement II, "Aftermath", will be published soon! (Or not soon. It'll depend on my motivation.)
-- "30 years from now, you're going to write the hardest piece known to man" - a very accurate description of tempest by Niko --
"Tempest" is a piece that gradually spiraled from 'just another calm piano piece' to 'something else entirely'. I began writing it when I was having a bit of an artist's block and never expected it to turn into a full-fledged 7-page disaster. While "Tempest" ended up taking a 180-degree turn from most if not all of my other compositions in the past, I'm excited to share it as an experimental work, and I hope someone out there enjoys it as well!
Fun fact: the second movement of this piece started being written a little over two months ago... meaning it technically came first.... :)