I didn't have much time to get something ready for the May Challenge due to the last weeks of school but here it is! I tried to keep it mixed as I am from California but I have Indian roots. I tried to have both cultures and depict them in this piece the way I feel when I think about them. For my religion, Indian music consists of mainly drums, oboe/clarinet, flute, violin, and piano. I still used a lot of other instruments to maintain the American feel... Please don't judge me on this as I don't want this depiction to affect anyone. Also, I would like to say that this piece is all based on opinion. MUSIC itself is based on opinion. There's always going to be someone who doesn't like or prefer your music. So that's all from me...
I know this isn't my best work but I am sure this means that I have more space to improve. Thanks you! Enjoy!
1C3I really love this! That percussion sounds so professional omg, and the way that orchestra kicks in is so powerful. Your use of that percussive organ is outstanding too. Wonderful job, you've really aced the vibe you went for. You could probably leave out the last two notes and maybe expand it more. Honestly though, this is better than anything I could do. I've tried and given up on writing a percussion-based piece for this month's challenge. I'll need to start taking notes from you! Good luck in the challenge, although I don't suppose you need it :)
~҉Ꭾ҉Ꮢ҉Ꮧ҉Ꮑ҉Ꮧ҉Ꮙ҉~҉@1c3_cream Lol! I am really heartfelt to know that you understand this piece. I know I could of expanded it or maybe even emphasized or developed a proper melody but as I mentioned: My religion's melody is one line being repeated until everyone gets bored, so drums are my best option! This is actually my first time writing with percussion instruments at a mass and I really like it! It's fun! I would encourage you to maybe try something like this! I had like, 3 other pieces and it's very overwhelming so I tried to end it short: Not my best work for sure lol. Thanks 1C! and It's really a pleasure receiving a comment from you!
1C3@good_boy08 Absolutely! I think you have real talent :D
1C3@good_boy08 Aw thanks :) Unfortunately, I don't have ice cream (although @ddw has called me the "ice cream man" before). But this website uses cookies!
~҉Ꭾ҉Ꮢ҉Ꮧ҉Ꮑ҉Ꮧ҉Ꮙ҉~҉@1c3_cream No way! Kookies? I love Kookies! Give me da Khookies! lol! Miraclx is like that...What are you up to now?
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1C3@good_boy08 I'm just chilling, waiting for my month-long composer's block to go away, and wishing I had some Khookies :) How about you?
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~҉Ꭾ҉Ꮢ҉Ꮧ҉Ꮑ҉Ꮧ҉Ꮙ҉~҉@1c3_cream It's about 12 am for me and I want a midnight Khookies snack. I can't wait for my composers block to go away! It's harsh.
1C3@good_boy08 Same here, it's nearly midnight. Composer's block is so frustrating. Maybe when I have more energy I'll go back to scouring the Flat community for ideas (I do need to explore your profile more too, so that's a bonus :))
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~҉Ꭾ҉Ꮢ҉Ꮧ҉Ꮑ҉Ꮧ҉Ꮙ҉~҉@1c3_cream Lol, why mine? Composers block is really frustrating: I recently had trouble with maintaining a 6 chord progression for a collab because I am used to 4. I ended up crying under pressure lol.
1C3@good_boy08 Aw that really sucks :( And definitely yours because I want to improve my piano composition skills, and I know you're really good with piano!
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~҉Ꭾ҉Ꮢ҉Ꮧ҉Ꮑ҉Ꮧ҉Ꮙ҉~҉@1c3_cream OK, First of all! I appreciate your thoughts lol. I don't play piano so I'm not great at chords and I have learned a few cool things but it's in an upcoming piece lol... Thanks man! Tbh you are already awesome at piano compostitons.