i'm freshly back from ze europe after invading paris, eating some v good ravioli, and taking two plane rides in seats that felt like coffins. it was fun, but i missed writing music and the ego boost that comes with it lol. so i decided to end my summer hiatus early and post...
*cough cough* what is this *cough cough*
i'm glad u asked, me with covid! (i got covid on the airplane it sucks) it's an extra-long funk piece written in 6/4 and using some weird frickin instrumentation. there's even a solo by carne on the contrabass!
expect around 2 or 3 more uploads now that i'm back and need to be *famous* again lol. a couple ty's to give out:
@xscape @ddw @orangeb @hi_i_like_splatoon @darker yall are what's keeping me alive with all my irl friends being "isolating" or "not wanting to get covid" or whatev. tysm!!!
@a_red_cat_lol @stay_shnazzy @cinokinoki @not_a_powder_puff best sloth squad ever. keep being amazing :D
and also ty to everyone i forgot to mention just now lol
bro just spent 30 mins writing a desc
like if you like
comment if you dare
beware of two-headed frogs
and have a great day :D