This song was made due to an image I had in my mind. Which, in a way, connects the human soul to nature. The image, as the title suggests, is a piano being played in the pouring rain.
"As water, the source of nature, fell upon the man, an inspiration sparked within him. A mystic burn within his soul lit his mind and hands aflame as out came only passion and endearment. The grand piano was open, with a tarp tied to the back and right side of it to prevent any damage to it's internals. The keys were slippery with a few droplets on every key, resembling dew upon a leaf on a summer morning. The air around him was fogged with rain, but that fog had been overflown with passion, giving it a kind feel. Many people stood in the rain, involuntarily bound to his soul, and they listened."
Yes, I made that up. No, It's not my best writing haha. I wrote this song in a day because of said image I had in my head. I guess I needed to release it in some form of art.