I put out a score contemplating making a clan yesterday, and I have finalized all the details! I am starting the Dark Horse Clan for underrated composers who deserve more spotlight! Our symbol is the black pawn ♟️ (I thought it was cool.) HOW TO JOIN: Comment in the chat that you would like to join, and submit the link to the score you are most proud of as a composer. We want people who are serious about composing in this clan. Once I review your score, add ♟️ to your username and I will invite you to the score!
Once you are added to the score, you can start adding your section of the clan piece. I'll mark off the spot for my part, and y'all can add after that. Let's all have a max of 32 measures, please.
I'll also be appointing a vice president and a few chancellors once we get enough people. :)
Excited to start this! Share this with any underrated composers that you know!