doing a submission every month until i either win or die trying
for my story i chose something inspired by doki doki and kyu-kurarin, a vocaloid song inspired by the former. i added a poem/lyrics/whatevs to the score, so if you'd like to experience it blind, go ahead. actual story + explanation of music elements are below.
__________________________________________________________ story: the story follows a young, clumsy girl attending school and living alone (i suggest you just listen to the vocaloid song by iyowa since it's basically what i'm trying to portray). she tries to maintain a veneer of happiness to hide her depressive state on the inside. as the days blend together, she meets a boy whom she falls in love with and is now troubled as she chooses between continuing the facade and confiding in him for support. still choosing to lie, her state worsens to the point where she chooses to take her own life via a noose. as she hangs herself, she suffocates and hallucinates confessing her feelings to her crush and having someone to spill her emotions to. as she laments how things could've gone in a different world, she finally blacks out.
EXPLANATION: piece starts with slow, dark piano followed by somber melody, establishing representation of the girl via the piano as melody goes on, boy is introduced as it sways the piano, and key turns major with a more melancholic chord progression as piece continues, it builds on itself with accompaniment before it swells, signaling moment girl decides to kill herself
when she is hanged, the piece becomes more triumphant and joyful to signify her despair ending time sig turns into 3/4 for a waltz-y feel, and the piano + violin duet represents her with her crush
NOTE: I AM NOT SUICIDAL. i just enjoyed the story of kyu-kurarin & ddlc, and wanted to retell it. as such, i will respond with "👽" for anyone who says otherwise.