The original inspiration for this piece was based off of a poem that I wrote with same name.
~Soar, Pegasus!!~
Through mountains and valleys And stars in the sky
Through hilltops and treetops As birds flutter by
Through winds and rain You shelter the pain
And help me soar Back in to my life
(Not very good, ik, this was more of a draft than anything lol)
I figured that this poem was actually very connected to my music life, however… many of you may not be able to know that yet…
So I decided to tell you my story about how I started music!
Enjoy the ride :D
- A:
The first part is a mirroring of starry-eyed me, who had just picked up an instrument for the first time. I was in the band, and played the alto saxophone!
I loved it so much… I truly felt so happy!!
However, I slowly began to dislike the band, and although I still loved music, and the idea of making it, my love started to fade a bit…
That is until…
I joined the orchestra!
This section is very inspired by classical waltzes, in which is one of the first pieces I ever played on cello.
This is where I found true happiness, and still do to this day.
The orchestral community, both here and in school, is truly amazing!
This section opens with a daydream…
I was bored when working on some Science Olympiad notes for Sounds of Music, and I figured that now would be as great of a time as any to transpose the music I needed.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I discovered flat!!
It was by complete chance that I would discover such a wonderful community.
The reprise into the theme represents my return to my wondrous world of music!!
You all have truly been so supportive and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
A bit about the piece though:
It kind of sucks, very messy. I wish I could have done better, but I really don't have the time to keep working on this...