Hi y'all! this is my submission for April's challenge. I chose Little Red Riding Hood as my story, my favorite folk tale. As such, I assigned Pan Flute to Riding Hood, Accordian to the Grandma, Trombone to the Wolf, and Trumpet to the woodcutter. I followed the basic story, where she goes to deliver cakes to her sick grandma, meets a woodcutter and a wolf on the way, the wolf wants to eat her and her cakes, so he goes and eats the grandma, and disguises as her. Riding Hood then arrives, interrogates the wolf, and gets eaten, but the wood cutter comes and cuts open the wolf's stomach, and frees Riding Hood and her Grandma, killing the wolf in the process. Then they eat the cakes. It's a very simple story, but its a classic, and I love it. I hope you all enjoy this very whimsical and fun rendition of it in music form!