Octonauts Theme + a question for the people

Octonauts! To the description! I have a few questions...


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πŸ³β€βš§ πŸ”± aRchi !! βš” 🌱
πŸ³β€βš§ πŸ”± aRchi !! βš” 🌱@endaisandalwayswillbebetter I do! My family does both Channukah and Christmas. But not religiously for Christmas. We don't go to church, but we do get a tree and give gifts
πŸ“~That Muffin Guy~πŸ«β„οΈ
πŸ“~That Muffin Guy~πŸ«β„οΈMaybe arrange the Shafran and Tchaicovsky Cello Sonata In G minor into a cello duet? Sorry, I mean Rachmaninoff and Tchaicovsky.
β€’ (edited)
β™ˆalso you could try asking around the first few times you play at the nursing home to see what people like, then find/create arrangements for those songs they like :)
β™ˆPEER REVIEW!!! it's extremly beneficial to the writing process
chez monsterβš”οΈπŸ€
chez monsterβš”οΈπŸ€Brings back good and bad memories, one of those bad memories is of me when I was little and in the hospital becuz a dog bit me on the leg, I watched Octonauts to calm down,but then they slathered my leg in alcohol, and started sewing the wound. FUN TIMES!
WillTheWizlockOctonauts was my brother's childhood! I'm definitely showing him this!
πŸŒ»πŸ›ΈπŸŒžHyrulerπŸΉπŸ€βš”Great arrangement! Also, I don't really know many cello solos for an event like this, but I do like The Swan by Camille Saint-Saens, the original is hard, but you can always find(or make) and arrangement
ThatOneSentientWormWhoWearsAShoeForAHatWell, I would first find some good songs that are related to the Jewish tradition. You have flat [Citation Needed], so you can compose the song into Cello. Also, Octonauts is objectively the best show of my childhood, tied closely with Team Umi Zumi. And Happy Bar Mitzvah. I am having my sixteenth this month.
πŸ³β€βš§ πŸ”± aRchi !! βš” 🌱
πŸ³β€βš§ πŸ”± aRchi !! βš” 🌱@narblo52 it wouldn't necessarily be a jewish place though. just a nursing home :)

16! so old.... congrats :D
Albert E.H.πŸ—‘βš”
Albert E.H.πŸ—‘βš”@narblo52 Oh, happy sweet sixteen! We were going to give my sister a quinceanera, but then 2020 happened.
ThatOneSentientWormWhoWearsAShoeForAHat@casset_tape Ah. Wouldn't call what I'm having a 'sweet sixteen,' but I get the sentiment.
Albert E.H.πŸ—‘βš”
Albert E.H.πŸ—‘βš”YO I LOVED THAT SHOW AS A KID! Also awesome, happy bar mitzvah! Um, try some old jazz for a cello duet, but I'm not a huge expert on that, so I dunno. Also, yes, I have so many tips, but maybe the best thing I can say in the least amount of words possible is research it. I've been researching writing for practically three years, and there's so much stuff to learn, so many articles and character charts to try, plot archetypes, the three p's(promise-progress-payoff). So yeah. Watch videos, read stuff. But, I guess that's really vague and might be overwhelming, so here's another thing. Don't get stuck researching for too long. I write as I'm researching, there's no point where you can just write and stop learning new ways to write-it's an ongoing thing. There's so many ways of doing things, don't start thinking that Stephen King's way of writing is the only way to write. There's no one way to write anything-try experimenting with different outlining methods and see what works for you. I've tried a couple, and some work. For a plot where they're traveling most of the time, like they're trying to get somewhere for a plot goal, I find it useful to draw a map and draw a line through it to represent the characters' path, and outline around that. But, there are also tons of other outlines, one I like is where you make it really simple and just figure out the following: Status quo, Developments, Crisis, and resolution. I like vague stuff like that for me to fill blanks in while writing the actual first draft-like leaving room for me to make stuff as I go along. But, if that makes you feel lost, you can always do a scene-by-scene outline like Jed Herne did for Thunder Heist. Anyways, point is, try different ways of writing and figure out what works for you-don't be afraid to do things differently. Okay wow that was way longer than I intended. Man.
Albert E.H.πŸ—‘βš”
Albert E.H.πŸ—‘βš”@thegenderfairy Didn't mean to single out Stephen King, I just know a lot of people have read his book On Writing, and then they think they have to pants an entire novel. That's just how his brain works, though, and other people's brains work differently.
πŸ”₯TTurkeyπŸ”₯@casset_tape this is literally the longest comment I have ever seen by far
Albert E.H.πŸ—‘βš”
Albert E.H.πŸ—‘βš”@tornadoturkey615 XD you obviously haven't met Quote, I didn't even reach the word-limit with that.
chez monsterβš”οΈπŸ€
chez monsterβš”οΈπŸ€I loved this show(still do) and now my tiny cousin loves it too! But don’t know any cello solos
β€’ (edited)
AquamiI LOVED this show when i was little! This is great! Try winter in largo for cello, it's a great piece.
Coffeeno clue about any solos... or cellos for that matter. but, I do know about coffee
Nekdo Studios
Nekdo StudiosI was about to suggest something before I saw "That isn't crazy hard" lol
Nekdo Studios
Nekdo Studios@thegenderfairy yeah, I'll look up some on Musescore for you :D
βš”οΈBrokenβš”οΈI think Bach’s cello suite #1 would be good.
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