Hi all, I know it's been a while since my last post... but this is a collab that I have spent a long time working on with Tornado Turkey called "An Odyssey: Through Mythical Realms".
First off, I want to give a huge shout out to
@tornadoturkey615 who was an amazing collaber and has been my biggest supporter since I started on Flat. If you haven't yet, please go follow and support him as much as you can (he has some beautiful songs that need more likes ;D).
This piece has been a work in progress since the start of this summer (which is now over for most of you reading this because school has started again)---the main reason for why I haven't posted anything and why I am so busy.
I felt that I just wanted to post this song now despite the sudden end because it's been sitting here untouched for quite a while and I thought it would be a good idea to get some thoughts on it! This means that once school dies down, I am hoping to extend this piece or make a sequel.
There are 4 movements to this piece that we put in the song to keep it more organized and have a storyline:
Movement I: Alone, in the middle of a quite forest an adventurer rides his horse through thick bramble and tree growth. Slowly but surely they make their way through this undesirable place. They are on track to go to the city of echoes, Mythralis. Eventually light starts peaking through the leaves, and they see vast plains!
Movement II: They finally arrive outside the forest and the adventurer pulls out his map and sets his horse in the direction of the city. They are off, galloping through the plains.
Movement III:A storm rolls in forcing the rider onward to make it to the city before any dangerous creatures arrive... and before dark, when the most foul of monsters come and do their work.
Movement IV:The adventurer makes it to the city and rides in proud and can spend the night safely in the town of Mythralis.
I hope you enjoy, and listen with headphones!!!!
Like and Follow for more!!!! :D