A steampunk piece, made to tell a story: "On the morning of a bright European day, the ground crew at the aeroport wake up and get ready to go to work on the field. The sun rises and the workers arrive at their posts ready to start another grueling day of work. Airships begin arriving at the port, and the crews get to work unloading cargo. The sun beats down on them, and they work all through the morning doing their job. Time passes, and their lunch break breaks up the monotony, announced by the steam whistle. When the break is over, they return to work with renewed determination. The team works through the afternoon, using their anger and frustration to push through the backbreaking work and finish the day strong. The steam whistle sounds, signaling the end of the work day. The crews return to their homes, exhausted and accomplished." This piece took a long time to write, and it would be so cool if a band actually played this.