Allow me to present to you the culmination of over 6 months worth of learning how to compose! After endless lagging on my phone, endless frustration in my head, and endless attempts to balance the score, i present to you all Endless Restlessness! With 189 bars, 16 instruments, and a 3:39 duration, this is my BIGGEST score yet!! This is sadly the final installment of Fuminsho no Ha (FnH), but definitely not the last score i post here (: Surprisingly, this score took the least time to make out of all the other FnH SPRGBGM (Synthesized Pop-Rock Game Background Music) tracks, at 6 days, about 4 hours each (so 24hrs total). Don’t like this score, ENJOY this score ^v^!!!
As Drenn has both permanent muscle atrophy AND chronic insomnia, i would like to dedicate this song to my heroes, people with physical and/or mental disabilities. You are all a HUGE inspiration of my songs. Keep pushing through!