Republished with a few audio and transcription fixes! - Put combined the two staves of flutes and clarinets (respectively) since they stay in unison so often (maybe one day we can make scores with staves that split and go back to one staff??? I see it a lot in choral and orchestral music so I think it'd be useful) - Bongos actually make sound now with Musescore audio and their transcription makes sense! - Fixed transcription with the shakers - Fixed sections where certain instruments would overpower others - Fixed dynamics and made them slightly easier to read - Gave the woodwinds back their reverb privileges - Revised accent markings as needed
While this may not be the longest piece I've written time-wise, it is the one where I decided "no, there's not enough instruments" on many occasions.
This piece took about a year (including many breaks to work on other things), and I think it's very interesting to see the difference between the sections that I worked on early on and the sections I just finished writing last night. I could fix up some more notation errors from early sections, but I like the idea that this is a time capsule of sorts - capturing the writing progress I've made in the past year. Fixing up the audio for both Musescore and Flat was pretty tedious, but I'm hoping I got it to a point where it doesn't sound grating.
Anyway, I'm glad to have finally got this done, it was sitting as an unfinished work in progress for far too long!