(mostly) Composed in December 2024. Here’s one of those “very long songs that i’ll probably never finish” that i was talking about. This is a weird one for sure. It was definitely a bit too ambitious of an idea for me. Idk if I’d even consider this to be finished since it feels kinda empty, but the sound effects I added sorta help with that. I feel bad relying on sound effects I didn’t create to finish my pieces but this one probably would’ve gotten abandoned if I didn’t add anything else. I also feel like the sfx overpower the actual song, but i really don’t wanna go through balancing everything again. It definitely makes for a unique sensory experience though. So this is the final product. It’s not really like anything I've ever composed. Which is good in some ways and bad in others. It’s not my best work, but I’m definitely glad I decided to finish it.