So I really hope that someone plays this song someday...
The point of this song is to let those who know how to improvise use that ability in a song. this song looks really hard to play but actually is really easy all that you need to learn is part 'A' and part 'B'. Part 'A' is what you will use the most, part 'B' is when every you want to change it up a little.
Here's how you play the song: everyone plays the same three note motif at the end of every other measure and in the open space someone (you pick who before hand) gets a chance to solo. If you are not comfortable soloing or just don't want to, play the melody so the song keeps moving.
In the beginning of the song everyone starts off using just the melody but later on they get more "loosie goosie" about it.
you also don't have to solo for two measures you can also get more like the Bari or the Alto saxs. Even with just two people you can play call and response as long as you want. NO NEED TO END THE SONG!!!
This song is written for a jazz band but if you're apart of a rock band or an orchestra or an indi 70'2 style techno-punk synth band and want to freestyle, GO AHEAD!!!
If you at all interested in playing this song but don't know how to freestyle comment and I will tell you what I do when I freestyle.