Parting and Renewal - January Challenge

Viola Sonata No. 1, Op. 15 I. Adagio


256 plays / 1093 views

Aaron Li
Aaron Liyoooooooo you got 2nd.
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@classical_works_only they called him "Henrick" lmao
Aaron Li
Aaron Li@groovysauce lmaoooooo still unfair
Henrik K
Henrik K@groovysauce bro like MY NAME IS RIGHT THERE 😭😭😭
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Saucealso the F# version was fire, wonder why that version wasn't published instead of C major. But it's still beautiful anyways
Henrik K
Henrik K@groovysauce I originally had it in C major then transposed it to A then back to C
Groovy Sauce
Groovy SauceCongrats on second place! but flat comps are rigged. yep. I was right. they're rigged.
Henrik K
Henrik K@groovysauce not trying to throw any shade at JM, but, I lost to a 4 chord loop 😭 how. Flat needs to do a better job at hiding their bias, I don’t even see his connection to the prompt
Henrik K
Henrik K@groovysauce I mean I guess he needed the premium
Anhtnd MC
Anhtnd MC@groovysauce groovy please elaborate
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@anhtnd Have you seen Perry's piece?
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@anhtnd also I don't mean to judge Aaron Li but somehow he placed higher than Rylan Brown
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@anhtnd N.M and Rhubarb also weren't on the list
Aaron Li
Aaron Li@chopin_apprentice yea groovy is right I shouldn't have placed higher than RYlan Brown
Anhtnd MC
Anhtnd MC🎻🎻🎻🎹🎻🎻
Nolan Li
Nolan LiIf you replaced the viola with violin you would definetely win (cello is accceptable too)
Henrik K
Henrik K@followplz okay, so if I win with the viola then you can’t trash talk the viola anymore
Nolan Li
Anhtnd MC
Anhtnd MCComing here again. I listen to this piece at least once every week otherwise I experience symptoms of withdrawal
Henrik K
Henrik K@anhtnd Oh. So you like it a lot huh
🎵👑 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔖𝔠𝔞𝔯 👑🎵
🎵👑 𝔎𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔖𝔠𝔞𝔯 👑🎵This is such a great, emotional piece! If this doesn’t win, my life is a lie
Henrik K
Henrik K@imsurroundedbyidiots Thank you so much! I honestly don't know what to expect, there are so many good entries
Groovy Sauce
Groovy SauceWalt Whitman is a legend, I love his poem "O Captain, My Captain" (idk why i'm saying this but yea)
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Saucequick question: did you make this in musescore? cause I downloaded the musehub playbacks and idk how to use them
Henrik K
Henrik K@groovysauce I didnt compose this in musescore, I only imported the mxl file for the audio. You can access the musehub sounds under mixer
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@chopin_apprentice sry for asking but how to you import flat audio in musescore?
Henrik K
Henrik K@groovysauce you download the mxl file and then use the import file option on musescore
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@chopin_apprentice it's saying import pdf
Henrik K
Henrik K@groovysauce dont download the pdf download the mxl file
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@chopin_apprentice i did but when i went to the file tab on musescore song it says "import pdf"
Anhtnd MC
Anhtnd MC@groovysauce just click the "open" option under "files", it accepts all sort of file types
Daniel Sedyankov
Daniel Sedyankovthis is amazing, i might try playing the viola part.
Henrik K
Henrik K@tag_youre_it thanks Daniel! Good luck
PhilddleThis is amazing 🤩. Can I play this for a solo but use a choir (SSAA) instead? It’s sounds so pretty great job.
Henrik K
Henrik K@philddle Sure! How exactly would you use a choir?
Philddle@chopin_apprentice so I’ll take the Viola and add choir on it. I’ll Add harmony’s and take out certain parts. If you listen to “essence of winter dreams” you can see what I do. I’ll take what you have and add my spin on it. Ofc Crediting you. The reason why I do this is first because it’s fun and second to show other ways people interpret your music if you don’t want me to you can just say so and I’ll understand. Happy Composing 😁
Henrik K
Henrik K@philddle Oh okay. Thanks!
Philddle@chopin_apprentice i’ll tag you when I’m done and you could just tell me how you feel about it. It’ll take me about a week.
Philddle@chopin_apprentice I finished. I cut a lot and changed a bit but like how you feel about it.
Nolan Li
Nolan Liwhy not just violin?
Henrik K
Henrik K@followplz What kinda question is that!? Viola is so much better. And specifically for the lower notes
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@chopin_apprentice no, violin is better irl
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@chopin_apprentice if you played violin or cello you would know
Henrik K
Henrik K@followplz I played viola and I'm in the orchestra. Trust me I know
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@chopin_apprentice can u hear urself playing though?
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@chopin_apprentice actually? Can you hear your stand partner play?
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@chopin_apprentice oh, well I can't hear the violas AT ALL IF they don't have a solo in my orchestra
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@chopin_apprentice yes, finally someone who appreciates viola.
Henrik K
Henrik K@groovysauce of course. Viola for life
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@chopin_apprentice i don't get why people hate viola, but one thing I don't like about it is that it uses the alto clef normally
Henrik K
Henrik K@groovysauce Boohoo. It's only a 1-note shift, easy to learn.
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@chopin_apprentice yep i already learned the alto clef through viola
Classical Intuition
Classical IntuitionI really like the use of the middle voice for the piano. It sounds really pianistic.
Perry Gills’ Alt
Perry Gills’ AltReminds me of a mix of classical and romantic!
_parrotyou forgot the times table
iiiyeI just finished listening - this is truly incredible! Much better than my submission in many ways lol, there are too many good aspects to name in a comment. Great job!
Henrik K
Henrik K@iiiye Thank you so much! That’s a very high praise haha, we’ll see what happens in the January competition 😁
CIRO Cstunningly beautiful
Henrik K
walterlove this so much, the modulations feel so mature
Henrik K
Henrik K@ecksdee thanks Walter!
Bezakosthis is so late-romantic-era coded. it gives your personal sound (chopin-y) and some rachmaninoff. thomas mentioned this having hints of ravel, and tbh, i can see that. im not familiar with bolero itself but i know how ravel sounds. this is amazing!

as a piano dude, love the piano accompaniment here. you did a great job balancing the spotlight for both instruments, and you did an even better job at making sure that the piano isn't just playing chords and simple variations in the background. this is just great, good job henrik :)
Henrik K
Henrik K@bezakos thanks so much for the feedback bezakos! I really need to listen to Ravel now
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@bezakos if you have enough time to comment all that, then u have enough time to work on the January Challenge and crush everybody else.
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@chopin_apprentice actually you're probably winning
Anhtnd MC
Anhtnd MCSorry im a bit late, took me a while to get to listening lol. Ive listened to it in dms only a few times and can still vividly recall the theme and harmony. Its just that addicting. I initially thought the phrasing of the second theme was a bit weird but it works wonderfully here. Always impressed with your ability to compose so fast, the quality per time is way off the charts lol
Henrik K
Henrik K@anhtnd thanks so much Anhtnd. I forgot to shout you out for the help btw, I’ll edit the description when I have time
Anhtnd MC
Anhtnd MC@chopin_apprentice you dont have to, I barely helped lol
- ɴᴇᴘᴛᴜɴᴇ -
- ɴᴇᴘᴛᴜɴᴇ -this is really good :]
Henrik K
LuckySo beautiful! :D
Henrik K
Henrik K@darker Thanks Darker!
Henrik K
Henrik KNote: I added Musescore audio, and it did not sync very well and I'm not going to try to sync it because I'm too lazy. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Anhtnd MC
Anhtnd MC@chopin_apprentice I actually prefered the flat audio for this one especially the ending. The musescore sound overdid the ending note on viola, just too much vibrato added distastefully. idk how to tune that in musescore tho
lagnsBeautiful. The melodies are stunning, the harmony is exquisite, and the ending is amazing (bVI bVII I is epic). The key change is also extremely pretty, the viola and piano writing in this is excellent.
Henrik K
Henrik K@lagns Thank you so much Iagns! Not good with Music theory, are you referring to measures 7-8?
Noah Burdullis
Noah Burdullis@chopin_apprentice I think he means the ending; the Ab-Bb-C chord progression, which is just going up major seconds with major chords. I agree it's a great way to end a piece and you used it especially well here.
Henrik K
Henrik K@noah_burdullis oh okay, thanks for the explanation. Thank you 😊
Thomas Bozarth
Thomas BozarthThis is absolutely wonderful! I hope this does well in the challenge. I hear hints of Bolero rhythmically.
Henrik K
Henrik K@thomasbozarth thank you Thomas! What’s bolero?
lagns@chopin_apprentice Bolero is an orchestral piece by Ravel. It's a really unique piece, you should check it out
Henrik K
Henrik K@lagns I definitely will. Thank you
Anhtnd MC
Anhtnd MC@thomasbozarth I dont hear bolero here man
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Saucedude, the accidentals are amazing!! I love how the viola works in harmony with the piano.

Here are two things that I wanna say:

1. I've been learning your piece "Romance Without Words" cuz it' truly amazing.

2. Sometimes, the flat competitions are rigged (for example October and November Challenge 2024)
Henrik K
Henrik K@groovysauce Aw Thanks so much! That's awesome that you're learning it, send me a recording when you are finished! I actually want to master it myself, but I can't play it perfectly and I'm still working on Loving Memories atm. As for the flat competitions, I just thought I had a good piece for the prompt so I thought I ought to give it a try
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@chopin_apprentice this is one of the easiest prompts not gonna lie, but with this you have a good chance!!!

also looking forward to LM :D
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@groovysauce novemember challenge was only rigged for 1 person
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@followplz BlueArthropod had an excellent submission

and for the october challenge TJ Bruce didn't make it with his submission "The Curse of Palushire"
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@followplz Aaron also had an excellent submisson
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@groovysauce ye the one person was BlueArthropod.
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@groovysauce aaron probably missed some points accidently
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@groovysauce Who do you think would win so far for the January Challenge?
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@followplz there are amazing submissions, such as Rylan, NM, this, and Christian
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@groovysauce Rylan's and this is my favorites so far
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@followplz fr, they're amazing
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@groovysauce I'm def not gettin top 10 but maybe I can get the honorable mentions
Nolan Li
Nolan Li@groovysauce btw do you know how to add echo?
Very_Cool_BirdThis is amazing man! Great job! Could we try to work more on the Duet part for the piano battle soon?
Henrik K
Henrik K@the_coolest_bird Thank you! Yes I will work on it soon
Christianholy moly this is gorgeous
Henrik K
Henrik K@someone244 thanks Christian!
FireFairy316Beautiful! I really love the melodies, and I think you are going to do wonders in the competition! I have an All-State Performance today, and I bid you a good day! :)
Henrik K
Henrik K@firefairy316 Thank you FireFairy! I will also let you know when Im available to work on the collab
FireFairy316@chopin_apprentice - Your welcome, and no problem! I will be ready for you! By the way, I got done with my All-State Performance, and it was amazing! How's your night?
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@firefairy316 oooh nice how was it?
FireFairy316@groovysauce - Really good! We played the first and fourth movements of the Serenade for Strings by Dvorak, Air and Simple Gifts by and arranged for String Orchestra by John Williams, an arranged version of Mambo from West Side Story, and others!
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@firefairy316 omgg that sounds so fun, wish I was there!
FireFairy316@groovysauce - It was pretty fun, and I wish we were playing more than six songs (counting on the movements from the serenade). The Symphony Orchestra was insane, though! They were playing the fourth movement to Shostakovich's 5th symphony, and Procession of the Nobles by Korsakov, and two others!
Groovy Sauce
Groovy Sauce@firefairy316 wow, i love Shostakovich's pieces a lot. by any chance is there a recording?
FireFairy316@groovysauce - Um, I tried searching for one today, but I couldn't find one unfortunately.
Henrik K
Henrik K@firefairy316 So glad your performance went well!
FireFairy316@chopin_apprentice - Thank you! I'm glad too honestly!
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