Hello guys! Yes yes, ik, I said i was gonna post at 12 central time, i overslept, sorry. BACK TO THE POINT! So this (and school and 14 family members coming over for holiday) is what made me drop off the face of the earth, I won't do it again I promise. But this piece, by me and FF, is probably my favorite thing we've made together yet! We both spent much time perfecting and critiquing this to make it as good as we think it can be, and sry for the unsynced ms4 audio im lazy af. Also, one more thingy, I am going to repost this so I can add FF's description into here, so just a heads up. FINALLY, I could talk for days, but I'm gonna stop yapping and let you enjoy months of work from both me and FF. Enjoy, and keep it PG! (YES YES YES I HAVE A CATCHPHRASE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Firefairy316: I just want to say this is one of my favorite things I've done with you so far, and It's always a pleasure to work with you! I had very fun doing this, and I can't wait to start working on the two other movements! Happy New Year everyone!