So…long story short “Back in My Day” sounded too much like “1 2 3” by After The Rain (the Pokemon Journeys opening song) so i mashed them together. Full credit to Shiro and ATR for both of their amazing songs!
So i have a bad habit of arranging other people’s songs when i get composers block, and for this time i chose “Back in My Day” as my victim XD. But once you get to know the ins and outs of BiMD, Shiro actually does it pretty simply. The focus is on the lead guitar, with the other guitar and bass providing power chords to give their signature bursts of power. The irregular snare rhythm in the drums combined with the tempo-like HHs give a steady backbeat to the entire song. The pianos and synths add decorations through chord extensions, glissandos, broken chords, and other fills. Pretty simple, but powerful (: