Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was being torn apart. She screams in pain. Her skin burns, as if it has been set on fire. Tears rundown her cheeks as she cries out with each painful beat of her heart.
She's been abandoned here. All alone at the age of one, lying down in a small basket. Her screams ring throughout the dark woods. Echoing throughout the hollow trees, but no one can hear her.
The night just grows louder and louder, as a storm approaches to begin its madness. Lightening strikes into trees. Thunder crashes angry . Rain pounds down on the forests floors with rage.
All the commotion drowns out the little girl screams, her cries for help. It all envelopes her into a strong silence. Nobody can hear her. Nobody will find her out here. All hope is lost.
At least that's what it seems like. Until a flashing light approaches from the distance. Lighting? Thunder? No...
It appears to be a mysterious figure that's approaching. Maybe it's a creature of some sort? A human maybe? It's hard to tell from all the chaos.
But there's one thing that's known for sure. Without that mysterious shadow. Nothing would have gone down the same in the future. Everything would have turned out for the absolute worse.