Once upon a time, there was a boy. Not just any boy, but a boy who had a crush. He saw this girl at school and really admired her. "Surely she won't like me back" thought the boy. However, the boy and girl had each other for a class project. So, they exchanged numbers. The boy was slowly, but surely getting closer to the girl. Later, they both called each other and spent a lot of time doing the project; though to the boy, it was a date. The night starts to come to and end, so they hang up. The boy then wakes up to check his phone for a message, but nothing was there. So, the boy goes to school and immediately searches for this girl. "Hey I'm over here" yells the girl. The boy giggles then brings her to class. After school, the boy mentions hanging out at her house, but got replied with "maybe". Later on in the afternoon, the boy messages her saying he has had a crush on the girl for a bit, but got no response. The girl opened the message but left him UNANSWERED. Then the boy fell into a depression, feeling bad that he wasted the girls time. He started separating from everything, and started feeling nothing but anger, depression, and regret. Until, he met a guy that introduced him to meditation. The boy started doing it and gradually got to feeling okay. Then weeks later he understood that he should put himself first, ALWAYS.