also happy singles awareness day (👁️🗨️ made this description yesterday but im posting it today so)
late valentines special :D I'm posting this extremely late so don't like bully me for this
I might have abused the suspended use.. a lot... but it's not my fault it sounds so majestical D:<
I've been inspired a lot by azali and joe hisaishi so for the past few while I've been studying and trying to figure out how in the world I'd get that to happen... solution? SUSPENDEDS. 9THS. 11THS. there is just SO much absurd chords that I didn't even know existed. Like, I thought that 11ths were a myth. I didn't think people actually used them. One of the main motif chords you'll see is the e major 9th suspended 2nd and 10th, I absolutely love it so much, I don't even know how I found it.
about making the composition...
so originally the piece wasn't gonna have any accidentals at all but during the process of chord-making I was like, "how can we make this colorful??" and then it hit me in the face like a nuclear missle... I didn't put ANY modes at all throughout the making, so I went back and changed some of the chord progressions
usually in a minor piece, I'd slap on a phygrian and maybe a dorian on there but this is a major piece—I wanted to REALLY throw it on there. so I inputted dorians, mixolydians, and lydians, and it turned out really pretty!!! i've never actually used anything other than phygrian and dorian up until now and I think I found a new favorite mode ngl (lydian)
the fermatas are supposed to be parts "slowing down" and then regaining tempo, but since it only makes the tempo go down and not actually slow down, I kinda had to be careful. The ritardando could work, but it can't bring the tempo back up. I wish it could, it would make this piece a lot more emotional :c
BUT the fermatas at the end worked out SUPER well and I actually really REALLY like how it sounds idk about my friends though