This song was made for the February Flat challenge thing. I wrote a story to go along with the song.
Katie sat at her desk. She thought about Lily, trying as hard as possible to write something out. She had so many thoughts, but which ones were right? She started writing down everything she thought of. "To my Lily, I think about you a lot. I have had a crush on you since third grade, when you wore that dress with the flowers and leaves on it, and you didn't mind that I liked playing with Legos. I've always thought that you are very pretty. Every year I write you a letter for Valentine's day, but I never give it to you. I'm afraid you won't like me too. What I'm trying to say is, will you be my Valentine? It's kinda dumb, so I understand if you wanna say no. That's fine if you do! I don't mind. But if you do, I would like to know. From, Katie." Katie threw the letter in the trash.
Katie is represented by Flute and her doubt/what she thinks Lily will think is represented by the clarinet. Lily's love is represented by piano.