So I didn’t do too well on the last challenge… Yeah Here’s the letter: Dear (name), I know we’ve been friends a long time, and you know all of my secrets and I yours, so I need to confess something to you. It happened only a few months ago, nothing large, but a little tug on my heartstring, though I ignored it because I thought that it was nothing. Then, each day, I could feel it getting stronger, affirming its grasp on me. So, the main point of this letter, I really don’t know how to say it besides this, I’ve never been good with words: I love you.
Explanation of why the letter did not send: The person had just sent their letter in the mail, only to find on the news the next day that their friend had died in a car accident, and grief stricken, heart broken, they crouched down in the corner of the room in shock, and remember the good times they had with each other. *fade out*
Actual description: I made this in a VERY short amount of time, like a few days, so please don’t be too harsh flat judges 😭