This is a mess... It started off well, with a melody... but kind of got lost. Oh well :P
My Chinese zodiac is the tiger - 老虎 (lǎo hǔ). Tigers are known for bravery and strength, as well as leadership and determination. I believe that this doesn't just show as a tough kind of bravery, but also the bravery to do the right thing - integrity, so this is a bit more peaceful, rather than strong.
The tiger's opposite is the snake - 蛇 (shé), so there is the sound of a snake hissing heard at the end. Funnily enough, in Chinese, we have an idiom - 虎頭蛇尾 (hǔ tóu shé wěi), literally, tiger head snake tail, which means starting strong and ending badly.
Also, the tiger is seen as the king of the beasts since the stripes on the tiger's forehead look like the character for king - 王 (wáng), which is also a common Chinese last name.
Just a little bit of culture for anyone interested ;)