Some vaguely traditional-styled Chinese lo-fi in the traditional yÇ”/ç¾½ (yellow) pentatonic scale, anyone? Listen to the various animals racing by as you, the pig, sleep soundly...
Thinking about it now, I realize I made it about the race more than my zodiac. I was born in the year of the GOLDEN PIG (and the fire pig too), meaning that I have two conflicting fortunes. Fire pigs are said to blow their money pretty quickly (that fits), but are ambitious and choose to focus on their passion projects more than something like school assignments (which is SO me), and are adventurous and energetic (also me)! The fire pig usually takes a positive approach to life and is always willing to help people. They have a hard time making friends, but the ones they make are kept close.
However, every 60 years there is a GOLD variant of each zodiac animal, and 2007 was one of them. Gold pigs are said to have great wealth, fortune, health, and many other very good things! When I did some research, it appears that some people can't decide if 2007 was a Fire Pig or Golden Pig year, so maybe it's both. I'm not very well-educated on this...
This was a rather "chill" piece to make, and I had a bit of fun with it! I realize that I had the same idea as LWL and... I swear I did NOT copy their idea