A Combination of All the Instruments I Know I Will Never Be Able to ACTUALLY UseSitar | Phase Synth Bass | Harpsichord | Music Box | Cowbelloriginalcarolinefrenchhorn4700
It's most certainly something...Piano | Violin | Viola | Cello | Flute | Ukulele | Harp + 22 moreoriginallwl_laboratories83152122
A Journey of Song and Strife, Mvt IViolin | Violin | Viola | Cello | Contrabassoriginalaurathespirit6092625
Mesmerized | LyricalTrumpet | Trombone | Plucked Synth Bass | Piano | Drum Set + 4 moreoriginal1521956
Carol Of The Bells - ePiC rEmIxPiano | Star Wars set | Hip-Hop Set | Choir Tenor + 4 morearrangementmaster_of_krynn4291311
All I Want For Christmas Is You || Decent ArrangementPianoarrangementjustanordinarymiddleschooler52647
The Adventures of Sherlock Squid and Jellyfish JoeGlockenspiel | Brass Section | String Ensemble | Violin Lead + 6 moreoriginalgimmeurtoes34179
An Act Of CouragePiano | Piano | Violin Lead | Viola | Cello | Contrabass + 2 moreoriginaldrumminor3944
Happy MusicViolin | Viola | Cello | Classical Guitar | Ukulele | Harp + 5 moreoriginalxxdarkdrystalxx17832