A Slappin' Meow SongCat Meows | Slap Bass | Violin | Piano | Star Wars set + 9 moreoriginalpigg7501319
A Few Songs From Mario Kart 64Electric Bass | Rotary Organ | Drum Set | Voice Lead + 12 morearrangementpigg61994
Boss Monster: Tricked to The DungeonPiano | Drum Set | Electric Guitar (muted) + 1 moreoriginalda_biggest_of_da_big_brians215523
Bill Wurtz - Many Different Types of MachinesPiano | Choir Synthesizer | Viola | Contrabassarrangementpigg72964
Earthbound - Venus Live!Alto Saxophone | Piano | Electric Bass | Soprano Saxophone + 2 morearrangementpigg76469
Enchanting - 40 Follower SpecialPiano | Trumpet | Acoustic Guitar | Alto Saxophone | Trumpet + 10 moreoriginaltagss3463
The lick on most of da instrumentsTrumpet | Trombone | Horn in F | Tuba | Piano | Piano + 16 morearrangementposessed_cat10352